First and fourth block classes will have a quiz on Monday.
There will be a unit test for all classes on Thursday.
We talked in class about how air pressure is exerted all around us. We saw a short video where they filled a train tank car with steam and then sealed it and the container collapsed. I discussed a small scale demo of this processing a soda can, and I offered students 3 points extra credit of Thursdays test if they do the experiment at home. To do this at home a person needs to put a small amount of water into an aluminum can and heat the water to boiling. The can should be held with tongs or a couple of forks (turned to hold the can). After the water boils you should see the condensation of the steam at the top. Wait two seconds and then invert the can into a large unbreakable container of cool/cold water. The can should collapse under the pressure. Bring the can in and get the 3 points. This is how it should look.
Similar experiments can be dine on other scales, like a 55 gallon steel drum.