These three packets are all the notes for the current unit.
Populations & Communities
The material from these notes will be on the quiz on Wednesday.
Monday, November 27, 2017
Monday, November 20, 2017
Gas and Atomic Structure Makeup Test
I have posted the Gas and Atomic Structure Makeup Test on Castle Learning. You have until Sunday November 26, at midnight, to complete the test. If you score an 85% or above I will average this score with your test score to improve your grade. If you do not score at least an 85% it will not change your grade.
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Friday, November 3, 2017
Quarter Chem Test Coming
This is the link for the quarter test review packet key. The quarter test will be given in lecture classes on Wednesday, November 8.
Monday, October 30, 2017
Gas Laws & upcoming
For Gas Law problems, Rule #1 - ALL TEMPERATURES MUST BE IN KELVIN
We will have a quarter test on November 8, 2017. This test will include all materials since the beginning of the year. There will be review sheets passed out in lab sections on Thursday and Friday. Please make sure that you know this material.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

In chemistry we have started a new unit. This is the link to the PowerPoint notes.
There is a chemistry test on Tuesday. There is a Castle Learning makeup posted. You will have until Tuesday Oct. 31, 2017 at midnight to complete. Go to Castle Learning and log into your account and take the Matter and Energy retest.If you score 85% or above I will average the retest and your original grade, if it raises your grade. If you score below
an 85% your grade will not be changed.
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Review work
We will have a unit test on Tuesday, Oct 24.
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

How to prepare for a test
Go through the notes and look at the terms that were used. For this unit these terms are:
Standard temperature
Endothermic & Exothermic
Conservation of Matter
Conservation of Energy
Kinetic & Potential energy
Formula unit & Empirical formulas
Balancing simple equations
Celsius & Kelvin
Boiling, Melting, Condensation, crystallization, Sublimation, deposition, fusing
Heating curve
Vapor pressure
Table H
Dynamic equilibrium
Specific heat
Make sure you understand these terms and you should do well. The Test will be next Tuesday and will be 40 questions in the same format as the Regents test. Do well on the test and you will not have to do the makeup.
Monday, October 16, 2017
Table H
The worksheets from class can be found at this link. This is a link to a workbook on all the reference tables. Table H starts on page 31 and there is an answer key to the set 1 questions. This is a link to the set 2 questions key.
Friday, October 6, 2017
Balancing Equations & Invasive Species
In Environmental Science we are working on a project about invasive species. Students will prepare a presentation and show to class, beginning Thursday, 10/12. The presentation should include 6 organisms. The starting point is 3 animals and 3 plants, but fungi, bacteria or protists could be substituted for the other organisms. In class we were given worksheets, as a place to start for the information. All students will fill out brief evaluations of each fellow student and these will be considered in giving the final grade for this project.
In chemistry we are going through the notes on Matter and Energy, which can be downloaded here. We got to a worksheet on Accounting for Atoms, to help learn how to balance equations. Download Accounting for Atoms here.
There are many great videos on the Internet about the chemistry that we are learning. Here is a list of some that you may find helpful. Just click on the links.
balancing chemical equations
physical chemical properties
Empirical Formula - Molecular Formula
Phase Change
In chemistry we are going through the notes on Matter and Energy, which can be downloaded here. We got to a worksheet on Accounting for Atoms, to help learn how to balance equations. Download Accounting for Atoms here.
There are many great videos on the Internet about the chemistry that we are learning. Here is a list of some that you may find helpful. Just click on the links.
balancing chemical equations
physical chemical properties
Empirical Formula - Molecular Formula
Phase Change
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Chemistry Test Periodic Table

If you have any problems you must come to me as soon as possible. NO TIME EXTENSIONS will be granted for any reason!
Monday, October 2, 2017
Matter & Energy

This is a link to the notes on the next unit, Matter and Energy.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Tests on Tuesday

This is a copy of the notes/study guide for the upcoming test.
Environmental student should be thinking about the invasive species project. Remember, a starting point is 6 species with 3 animal and 3 plants. You can swap out one of each for a fungi, prokaryote or eukaryote. You might fine many commonalities (translate that as an easier time) if you pick all your organisms from a particular region.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
End of September
In Chemistry and Environmental Science the test has been moved to Tuesday, 10/3.

We started a video in Environmental Science on invasive species. To view it, you can look here: frontiers/season12.html . Click on episode #4. We will spend the class tomorrow, Thursday, in the computer lab deciding on our projects.
For the chem test students should study their notes and read the Topic 5 in the review books.
For Environmental Science make sure that your review sheets are filled out as you will be allowed to have them for the test.

We started a video in Environmental Science on invasive species. To view it, you can look here:
For the chem test students should study their notes and read the Topic 5 in the review books.
For Environmental Science make sure that your review sheets are filled out as you will be allowed to have them for the test.
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Herbicide Banned
In class we discussed the banned herbicide Dicamba. These sites report information about the problems encountered.:
WNYC Broadcast
West Virginia PBS
WNYC Broadcast
West Virginia PBS
Friday, September 22, 2017
Periodic Variation
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Answer Key
Chem students should read and practice the questions, particularly the Regents Review questions in their books. Click here: to download an answer key to the for Topic 5, Periodic Table.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
New Notes in Chem

Environmental science - You have to register for college credit by the 22nd to avoid a cost. There will be a person in the school tomorrow, Wednesday, to provide proof of residence. They will be in the Commons from 12-1. NON'T MISS IT.
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Monday, September 11, 2017
Sunday, September 10, 2017
First Week

In environmental we took a tour of Yellowstone park. This is a link to a handout that will be given on Monday on some Interesting Facts about Yellowstone.
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Voorheesville HS

In Environmental Science we will be talking about a landmark book, "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson. Click the link if you would like to read the book.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Let's Start Review
This is where you can go to a link to look at all the past Chemistry Regents Exams.
This is where you can find notes for all the material that we cover in the Regents Chemistry Class.
We have finished all the new material for the class. Next Wednesday, 6/7, we will have our last unit test of the year. This will be on Acids, Bases and electrochemistry.
The best way to improve your grade is to do well on unit tests. I have posted practice tests on Problem Attic.
Acid Base practice test
Redox practice test
The best way to score better on the upcoming test is to spend time on the material, and there are several ways to do that. You could review the notes from the units materials that have been posted on previous blog entries or the links above. You could look at videos from reputable sources like, Kahn Academy, Brightstorm,, Crash course, and many others. To find sites to view type in your topic and see what is available. Key words are important and your search will narrow if you use them appropriately.
If you have topics that you would like to go over, bring questions into class. I will cover your topics first. If you don't put in some work you will not see any great improvements.
This is where you can find notes for all the material that we cover in the Regents Chemistry Class.
We have finished all the new material for the class. Next Wednesday, 6/7, we will have our last unit test of the year. This will be on Acids, Bases and electrochemistry.
The best way to improve your grade is to do well on unit tests. I have posted practice tests on Problem Attic.
Acid Base practice test
Redox practice test
The best way to score better on the upcoming test is to spend time on the material, and there are several ways to do that. You could review the notes from the units materials that have been posted on previous blog entries or the links above. You could look at videos from reputable sources like, Kahn Academy, Brightstorm,, Crash course, and many others. To find sites to view type in your topic and see what is available. Key words are important and your search will narrow if you use them appropriately.
If you have topics that you would like to go over, bring questions into class. I will cover your topics first. If you don't put in some work you will not see any great improvements.
Thursday, May 25, 2017
On Tuesday 5/30 and Wed 3/31 we will be doing this lab activity, on galvanic cells, in the media center. The link to the interactive site you need for the lab is here.
I have posted practice tests on Problem Attic for the next test.
I have posted practice tests on Problem Attic for the next test.
Acid Base practice test Redox practice
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Electrochemistry - Redox
We will be doing a lab in class. To do this lab, you can go to this link. You will need the lab paper, which you can download and print.
Notes to go with this unit are here.
Notes to go with this unit are here.
Friday, May 19, 2017
Finishing Acids & Bases
We are either finished with, or will finish in the next few minutes of the next class. Next unit is he final unit of the year, Electrochemistry.
Links to labs and notes are below:
Ghost penny lab
Acid Rain Lab
Electrochemistry notes
Links to labs and notes are below:
Ghost penny lab
Acid Rain Lab
Electrochemistry notes
Saturday, May 13, 2017
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Builders Lab
All labs will need to be handed in by May 31, 2017. All students must have completed their 1200 minute minimum requirement of successful lab reports by that time in order to be able to take the Chemistry Regents Test.
The unit test for the Organic Chemistry section will be on Thursday May 11. Students are encouraged to practice from the notes and all unit handouts, as well as available resources on the internet.
This is links to an online textbook for the current unit:
- Organic Chemistry
- Hydrocarbons
- Straight-Chain Alkanes
- Branched Alkanes
- Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
- Alkenes and Alkynes
- Isomers
- Alcohols
- Ethers
- Aldehydes and Ketones
- Carboxylic Acids
- Esters
- Amines
- Alkyl Halides
- Substitution Reactions
- Addition Reactions
- Oxidation Reactions
- Polymerization - Addition Polymers
- Polymerization - Condensation Polymers
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Organic Naming
In order to get better at naming and drawing organic compounds you have to practice. This is a link to an answer key for the problems that I handed out in class.
This is a link to a set of practice Regents type questions.
And this is an example of one of the many Internet available resources, if you just look for them.
This is a link to a set of practice Regents type questions.
And this is an example of one of the many Internet available resources, if you just look for them.
All classes will have a quiz on Friday.
It will cover the same material as the Wednesday quiz did.Monday, April 24, 2017
Goodbye Nuclear, Hello Organics

Tuesday is a test on Nuclear Chemistry.
In lab classes today, students got a start on a homework assignment. Trends in Alkane Boiling Points has students graphing data and then answering questions pertaining to the information.
The lecture notes for the Organic Chemistry unit can be found here.
Friday, April 14, 2017
Nuclear End of Unit
We watched a video about Marie & Pierre Curie's groundbreaking work in the early 20th century. This link takes you to the video series it was a part of. The section on the Curies is in video #2 the second half.
Worksheet packet for Nuclear
Answer key for Nuclear Worksheet Packet.
Answer key for Regents Question pack.
The next unit is Organic Chemistry. This is the packet for notes that I passed out in class.
Worksheet packet for Nuclear
Answer key for Nuclear Worksheet Packet.
Answer key for Regents Question pack.
The next unit is Organic Chemistry. This is the packet for notes that I passed out in class.
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Radioactive Decay simulation
This is the data that is needed for the Radioactive Decay Simulation lab. If you are in my Day 2 lab this is what you will graph for the lab. Be sure to align the paper in landscape format and put the number of trials on the horizontal independent axis and the number of blocks/chips on the vertical/dependent axis. All other groups should add your data to these totals to graph correctly.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
More Nuclear
Monday, April 3, 2017
Nuclear Chemistry
Tests have been graded and handed back. We went over the test, question by question, in class.
We began the nuclear unit. The link for the notes for the Nuclear unit is here.
We currently have three labs scheduled for this unit:
Isotopic Pennies
Decay chain of Uranium
Half Lives
We will have a quiz on material from the nuclear unit on Wednesday.
We began the nuclear unit. The link for the notes for the Nuclear unit is here.
We currently have three labs scheduled for this unit:
Isotopic Pennies
Decay chain of Uranium
Half Lives
We will have a quiz on material from the nuclear unit on Wednesday.
Monday, March 27, 2017
First Unit Test Coming
We started watching the video Atom: Clash of the Titans, in preparation for the upcoming unit on the nucleus. This can be viewed at home by following this link.
The link for the notes for the next unit, Nuclear, is here.
Friday, March 24, 2017
First Unit Finished
First and fourth block classes will have a quiz on Monday.
There will be a unit test for all classes on Thursday.
We talked in class about how air pressure is exerted all around us. We saw a short video where they filled a train tank car with steam and then sealed it and the container collapsed. I discussed a small scale demo of this processing a soda can, and I offered students 3 points extra credit of Thursdays test if they do the experiment at home. To do this at home a person needs to put a small amount of water into an aluminum can and heat the water to boiling. The can should be held with tongs or a couple of forks (turned to hold the can). After the water boils you should see the condensation of the steam at the top. Wait two seconds and then invert the can into a large unbreakable container of cool/cold water. The can should collapse under the pressure. Bring the can in and get the 3 points. This is how it should look.
Similar experiments can be dine on other scales, like a 55 gallon steel drum.
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