This is the
link to get picture files for the crime scene.
Update for
information on crime scene.
The hair found on the body was from three different sources. First, there was hair consistent with the hair of the live custodian that had left the room. Second, there was dark hair similar to the victim's, but it was much longer. The victim had a very short haircut and these hairs were over 4" in length. Third, there were hairs from a blonde, with lengths of around 4". None of these hairs were able to be specifically matched with any particular individual, though the custodian was a close match.
This project is due on Tuesday, 11/17. Three parts are required: 1. a photo file (do not print out the photos). The photos should be organized and described. 2. Sketches of the crime scene, including a rough sketch and a finished sketch drawn to scale. 3. a description of how the crime took place. This should include time of death, how the crime was committed, likely suspects and an explanation of all the evidence that was recorded at the scene. Some of the evidence had nothing to do with the crime, and that should be noted; but much of it was critical to some part of the reasons/motivation of the crime.
All files should be sent to my school email at ebein at gasd dot org. Sketches and crime scenario can be hand written and brought in on Tuesday. The subject line of any emails should include "Forensics 4" or Forensics 7" and your name and what is included.